domingo, 21 de junio de 2009


Národní strana
P.O.Box 604
111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420-605 333 120

Bank account for sponsorship 182 087 089/0300


The idea of establishing the National party (NP) rose in 1998. The first two attempts for registration at the Home office were rejected because of formal scarcities.
une "solution finale" pour les Roms.

Le Parti National tchèque (NS) propose comme spot de campagne pour les élections européennes "une solution finale pour la question tzigane". Le Conseil de l'Europe est indigné et souhaite punir les auteurs.

31.5. 15:58 | | click: 50x
La televisión pública checa emite un anuncio que pide acabar con los gitanos. Este es el lema que el partido ultraderechista checo Partido Nacional (PN) propone en un anuncio televisivo de cara a las elecciones europeas de junio. El gobierno del país centroeuropeo y las organizaciones de derechos humanos han puesto el grito en el cielo. El vídeo comienza con la imagen de tres borregos blancos sobre una bandera checa, mientras uno de ellos expulsa de una patada a una cuarta oveja negra. Esa imagen es muy parecida a la de los polémicos carteles electorales de la Unión Democrática de Centro (UDC), un partido ultranacionalista suizo que utilizó esa publicidad en las elecciones generales de 2007.

También recuerda a los carteles utilizados en España por Democracia Nacional.

23.5. 20:43 | El mundo | click: 96x
European elections, as the politologists, politicians and the individual parties´ campaign leaders agree for once, are not about so called European topics but firstly about the topics of national and topics of internal politics which modify the European politics and vice versa . These are unhappily influenced and contradicting to principles of individual states independence also ruled by bureoucratic Bruxelles which is proud of its highest deficiency of democracy out of all old continent institutions.
That´s why we also react to the most serious problems of the european society in this Ten Principles of the National Party. We react through a compact program of the national unity with the social accentuation needed:
15.5. 17:25 | Daniel Petrasek | click: 166x
Prague - Stickers against the Koran have appeared around the mosque in Brno and in the Prague underground probably with the aim to stir up conflicts and encourage prejudices, Vladimir Sanka, deputy head of the Muslim Communities Centre, told CTK today.
12.5. 22:32 | Financni noviny | click: 53x
“With the chairwoman of Národní Strana, Mgr. Petra Edelmannová Ph.D., another high-caliber guest will speak to the visitor of the Congress on Saturday, May 9.
22.4. 15:32 | Gates of Vienna | click: 113x
Genau in einem Monat wird am 9. Mai die große öffentliche Hauptkundgebung des Anti-Islamisierungskongresses 2009 in der Kölner Innenstadt stattfinden. Neben den seit Monaten feststehenden Hauptrednern der Veranstaltung aus Deutschland, Flandern, Italien, Frankreich und Österreich kommen wöchentlich neue Zusagen von Delegationen und Gastrednern aus ganz Europa.
13.4. 12:04 | | click: 125x
Prag - Unbekannte haben vor einer Moschee in einem Vorort von Prag einen Schweinekopf aufgehängt. Der Schweinekopf, dem die Augen ausgestochen waren, wurde am frühen Donnerstagmorgen von einem Gläubigen im Osten der tschechischen Hauptstadt entdeckt, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Der Eingang der Moschee sei zudem mit anti-islamistischen Parolen beschmiert gewesen. Die Polizei hatte laut einem Sprecher noch keine Spur.
20.3. 00:00 | APA / der Standard | click: 84x
Today, 19th March early morning one of our colleagues got an information concerning the Prague mosque. Our colleagues immediately went to search the place and made some photographs of the entrance gate into the Prague mosque. Some brave (wo)man wrote on it: NE ISLAM (No Islam) and together with it he (she) hung a pig´s pork head onto the gate. And that is for the moslims very unpleasant and annoying.
19.3. 13:34 | TO NS | click: 158x
The largest projecting screen for Geert Wilders „Fitna“ worldwide.

Let´s together commemorate the anniversary of the „Fitna“ premiere in the Czech Republic.

Be on the 1st and 4th April in Prague!

11.3. 16:38 | Press dept. NS | click: 109x
I natt brann den gigantiska EU-flaggan som satts upp i Prag, huvudstaden i EU:s nuvarande ordförandeland Tjeckien. Flaggan ses av EU-motståndare som en ockupationsflagga.
8.2. 11:46 | NI | click: 134x

Carte géostratégique sur le bouclier antimissiles américain en Europe centrale

Fermement soutenu par l’OTAN et de multiples organismes anti-nationaux, le Nouvel Ordre Mondial continue son inéluctable progression à travers la planète. Pourtant certaines résistances surgissent occasionnellement comme l’illustre la dernière manifestation à Prague contre l’installation de la future base américaine de Brdy (80 km au sud-ouest de Prague) et le déploiement de soldats américains sur le sol tchèque. En revanche, une importante réunion de l’OTAN consacrée à l’avenir de l’Afghanistan se déroulera à Cracovie (sud de la Pologne) les 19 et 20 février 2009. Hors UE, les délocalisations scientifiques ont des conséquences irréversibles puisque le premier Airbus A 320 assemblé dans la ville chinoise de Tianjin (près de Pékin) effectuera son premier vol d’essai en mai 2009.

3.2. 22:41 | Jerome Moreno | click: 137x
Prague - The large EU flag hanging from the giant pendulum on Letna hill in Prague since New Year´s Eve was set on fire on Wednesday evening, the public Czech Televison (CT) has reported.
15.1. 09:24 | CTK / TO NS | click: 163x
Some 30 people came to the National theatre tonight to show their critical attitude to the Lisbon treaty to reform the enlarged EU. It was staged by National Party and the initiative NE-EU2009.
7.1. 23:53 | TO NS | click: 201x
The National Party (NS) protested against the ratification of the Lisbon treaty by the Czech Republic outside the Constitutional Court today. The court is to discuss whether the treaty is consistent with Czech law.
25.11. 22:21 | ctk news | click: 202x
Brno - Rightist extremists from the Czech National Party plan to march through Brno streets inhabited by Romanies on Wednesday, but they have stated neither the exact time nor the place at the party's web address Experts say they will probably go to the locality in the city centre that is also known as Brno Bronx.
10.11. 17:05 | ČTK | click: 240x
On November 5, 2008 there was a planned meeting of the National Party delegates and Pro-Köln platform on a confidetial place.
5.11. 22:51 | NS press office | click: 254x
Encerclement militaire de la Russie : l’odieux chantage des USA vis à vis de la République tchèque.

Le chef de l’Agence américaine de défense antimissile (MDA), le général Henry Obering III, a demandé au Parlement tchèque d’autoriser l’installation d’une base radar en territoire tchèque dans le cadre du déploiement du bouclier antimissile américain en Europe de l’Est, avertissant qu’un refus pourrait décevoir les Etats-Unis et l’OTAN.

4.11. 14:48 | | click: 264x
”Ta vara på er nyvunna frihet och demokrati”, sade Abramsson i sitt tal. ”I Sverige har vi en riksdag där alla partier tycker likadant i alla avgörande frågor, vilket lett till en likriktning och ’politisk korrekthet’, som effektivt tystar alla regimkritiker. I Sverige kan man bli av med jobbet, utkastad ur skolan och till och med fängslad om man har ’fel’ åsikter – precis som i Tjeckien under kommunismen.”
29.10. 23:00 | | click: 310x
Brno - Muslims from Brno and friends of Muslim nations from the group Libertas Independent Agency will file a lawsuit due to the Tuesday rally of the Czech ultra-right National Party (NS) in Prague, activist Lukas Lhotan said. Organisers of the rally screened the controversial film Fitna by Dutch extreme right deputy Geert Wilders. After several speeches by the NS leaders, the police dissolved the rally.
29.10. 21:06 | CTK | click: 312x
All European patriots must stand together to oppose the entry of Turkey into the EU because it will bring all sorts of problems on a scale which will dwarf that of the already existing problems in Europe, BNP leader Nick Griffin has said.
29.10. 12:05 | BNP | click: 260x
British National Party leader Nick Griffin has continued his ground breaking Eastern European tour with a guest appearance tonight at a rally in Wenceslas Square, Prague, with the Czech National Party to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the liberation of that country from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
29.10. 11:58 | BNP | click: 316x
Next stop on Mr Griffin’s agenda is Prague for the Czech National Day on October 28. He will be the guest of Petra Edelmannova, chairman of the National Party, Czech Republic, and will spend two days discussing strategy and tactics.
24.10. 23:56 | BNP | click: 254x
LABOUR MARKET: Millions of Africans could get the green light to head to Europe in search of jobs.
24.10. 00:09 | Nick Fagge | click: 219x
Mrs. Petra Edelmannova gives an “old Czech style” dinner in honour to Nick Griffin and his wife. Few seats are reserved for sympathizants, public and media. An informal press conference will be held before the dinner.

The gala-dinner will be attended by the top representatives of the National Party and many personally invited guests. The planned venue of the dinner is in Prague and as a part of the high security measures it will be announced exclusively to the registered attendants.

15.10. 21:53 | NS | click: 265x

The Narodni Strana and other Islamophobic parties are dangerous for the world. And it is in the best interest of all of us to help them calm down PRAGUE – Last Sunday evening I was strolling down the biggest avenue of the Czech capital and suddenly a blonde and blue-eyed young lady approached me. She handed me a tabloid paper and said something in Czech, which, of course, sounded to me like Chinese. “Excuse me,” I asked, “could you please repeat that in English?” She kindly did. “Come join our cause,” she invitingly explained. “We are standing up against Islam.”
12.10. 22:44 | Mustafa AKYOL | click: 263x

On behalf of the National Party and its chairwoman Mrs. Petra Edelmannová we would like to invite you to the meeting to be held on the 90th Anniversary of the beginning of the former Czechoslovakia and 6th Anniversary of the birth of the renewed National Party in the Czech Republic on 28th October 2008 in Prague.

Guests of Honour and speakers:

Mrs. Petra Edelmannová – Chairwoman of the National Party

Mr. Nick Griffin – Chairman of the British National Party

Mr. Marc Abramsson – Chairman of the Nationaldemokraterna, Sweden

11.10. 03:27 | TO NS | click: 317x
Mit großer Freude hat der Vlaams Belang den Erfolg der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs zur Kenntnis genommen. Denn jene 18 Prozent der Stimmen, welche unsere Freunde in Österreich am Sonntag erhalten haben, bedeuten eine Stärkung der rechten Kräfte in ganz Europa. Schließlich tritt die Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs genauso wie der Vlaams Belang in Flandern, die Dänische Volkspartei und viele andere patriotische Bewegungen in Europa gegen den Vertrag von Lissabon, den Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union und gegen die Massenzuwanderung auf.
3.10. 22:26 | Philip Claeys - Zur Zeit | click: 251x
Brno, South Moravia, Sept 29 (CTK) - The Libertas Independent Agency associating Brno-based Muslims and the friends of Muslim nations will lodge a criminal complaint against the far-right National Party (NS) and its head Petra Edelmannova, agency deputy chairman Lukas Lhotan told CTK Monday. The reason is insulting statements and threats addressed to Muslims that recently appeared on the NS's website. The organisation decided to file a criminal complaint due to libelous and hateful expressions, the Libertas Independent Agency says in a statement CTK has obtained.
30.9. 23:39 | CTK | click: 254x
Brno - The protest of the Czech far-right National Party against Islamism scheduled for Wednesday will not be officially announced and the party claims it will not be a public gathering, a regional police spokeswoman said.
23.9. 12:40 | ČTK | click: 286x
Prague, Aug 13 (CTK) - Petra Edelmannova, 33, head of the Czech ultra-right National Party (NS), has defended a doctoral thesis on the theme of nation and she wants to pursue an academic career, daily Pravo wrote Wednesday.

Edelmannova, who uses the term Gipsies for Romanies, wants to send them to India and wants to return the Vietnamese and Russians back to their countries publicly identifies the ideal of the "genuine" Czech with a white-skinned person, Pravo writes.

27.8. 20:33 | CTK, Pravo | click: 297x
Tschechische Rechtsextremisten bieten Roma kostenlose Flugtickets an Unter der Bedingung, dass sie nicht mehr zurückkehren
26.8. 16:15 | media | click: 297x
The head of an ultra-right wing party which advocates a "final solution" for Roma in the Czech Republic is due to speak at the annual festival held by the British National party today. Petra Edelmannova, chair of the Czech National party, is booked to give a 25-minute speech at the BNP's Red White and Blue festival in the village of Denby in Derbyshire.
21.8. 00:11 | The Guardian | click: 240x
Hundreds of anti-fascist protesters are set to demonstrate at the BNP's annual festival. Police are using special powers to control a rally in Denby, Derbyshire, which will be attended by up to 700 demonstrators from Unite Against Fascism, the TUC and Unison. Local anti-fascist groups will also be attending the protest, which meets in nearby Codnor Market Place.
21.8. 00:07 | Press Association | click: 249x
The far-right National Party in the Czech Republic has adopted a poster of the rightwing Swiss People's Party to spread anxiety about foreign residents.
20.8. 20:53 | swissinfo | click: 254x
It is all systems go for the Red, White and Blue family festival this weekend in Codnor. A new exciting foreign speaker has been added to the line-up - chairman of the National Party, Czech Republic, Petra Edelmannova, has confirmed her attendance.

This is your chance to meet in person some of the activists who are making things happen in the Czech Republic along with friends from Sweden (in the form of the National Democrats) and from the Protectionist Party of Australia, who are closely modelling themselves on the BNP.

13.8. 23:06 | BNP | click: 303x
At the request of the Constitutional Court, made through Judge-Rapporteur Vojen Güttler, LL.D., and delivered to me on 9 May 2008, file No. Pl. US 19/08, regarding the petition from the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic requesting an assessment of compliance of the Lisbon Treaty, amending the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty Establishing the European Community, concluded in Lisbon on 13 December 2007 (hereafter referred to as the "Lisbon Treaty"), with the constitutional system, filed according to Article 87 (2) of the Constitution of the Czech Republic, I am presenting, within the time limit required by Article 69 (1) of Act No 182/1993 Coll. on the Constitutional Court, the following statement:
1.7. 22:14 | Václav Klaus | click: 257x

Követendő példa: védekezni tanítja a cigányok ellen a gyermekeket a cseh Nemzeti Gárda.

A cseh Nemzeti Gárda ingyenes önvédelmi tanfolyamokat hirdet Karlovy Vary-i kisdiákoknak, miután azzal, hogy a közelmúltban egy cigányhorda késekkel támadott meg több gyereket, egyértelművé vált, hogy Csehországban sem képes sem a politikum, sem a hatóság a cigányprobléma kezelésére, az embereknek maguk kell a saját védelmükről gondoskodniuk.

20.6. 23:50 | | click: 265x
Czech police have showed interest in the Internet page (do you want them) insulting foreigners, whose authors say they are fighting against immigration of foreigners to the Czech Republic.
14.5. 18:15 | press | click: 312x
Niederlande: Ein Kurzfi lm des rechtsliberalen Parlamentariers Geert Wilders soll den "intoleranten und faschistischen Charakter" des Islam aufzeigen.

Das Motto von Geert Wilders ist leicht zu merken: weniger Steuern und weniger Islam. So wünscht sich der 44jährige Niederländer sein Heimatland. Weil er dies in der rechtsliberalen VVD nicht mehr verwirklichen konnte, hat er kurzerhand seine eigene Partei ins Leben gerufen, die Freiheitspartei (PVV). Seit November 2006 sitzen neun PVV-Abgeordnete im Parlament. Es heißt, Wilders wandle in den Fußstapfen Pim Fortuyns, aber er ist noch schärfer. Er will einen Einwanderungsstopp, das Verbot von doppelten Staatsbürgerschaften, Kopftuch - und des Korans, so wie Hitlers "Mein Kampf" verboten ist. Islamisten haben bereits im Internet zu seiner Enthauptung aufgerufen.

18.4. 15:27 | Victor Gaché | click: 256x
En muslimsk tv-station og et højreorienteret parti har tilbudt at vise Geerts Wilders kontroversielle koran-film, efter at hans internetside er blevet blokeret. Den muslimske tv-station i Holland NMO har tilbudt at vise den omstridte, islam-kritiske film "Fitna", som alle andre steder er blevet pure afvist. Det oplyser Radio Netherlands. Senest har en byge af protester fået det amerikanske firma Network Solutions til at lukke den netside, hvor den hollandske politiker Geert Wilders ville offentliggøre sin film. Det har fået det tjekkiske højrefløjsparti National Partiet til at tilbyde Wilders at vise den 15 minutter lange film på internettet via partiets egne servere.
24.3. 16:32 | | click: 283x
De Tsjechische nationalistische partij NS (Nationale Partij) heeft zijn buitenlandse server voor de versie van de film van Geert Wilders aangeboden. Dat heeft de NS vandaag op haar website aangekondigd. Het is een reactie van de partij op het uit de lucht halen van de website waarop de film Fitna moest verschijnen.
24.3. 13:42 |, nieuwnieuws | click: 293x
The Czech extra-parliamentary nationalist National Party (NS) has offered its foreign server for the release of the controversial anti-Islamic film of Dutch ultra-right MP Geert Wilders, the NS announced on its website today. The party thereby reacted to the U.S. Internet company's cancelling Wilders's website as he intended to release the film on its server.
24.3. 00:02 | Press | click: 307x
The paramilitary National Guard (NG), established by the extreme rightist National Party last year, has attracted some 2000 people, including many former career soldiers and police, the Czech daily Pravo writes today, referring to NG Commander Michal Kubik.
4.3. 22:11 | PDM | click: 291x
Inför en förväntansfull publik offentliggjorde Nationaldemokraterna på lördagens möte den nya partifärgen: brandgult. Samtidigt kunde en stolt partiledning presentera flera lyckade projekt som man framgångsrikt arbetat med under föregående år, inte minst Ledung, Rikssystemet och Nationell Idag.
8.2. 00:37 | | click: 301x
Dear Mr Wilders
I was personally in Amsterdam on Saturday, participating in the demonstration against islamisation of the Netherlands which was organized by SIOE. According to the information given by media in the place you didn´t attend due to the fact that you were threatened by being assassined. It is said that the government of your country recommended you to leave the country temporarily also due to the planned publishing of your movie.
28.1. 11:06 | Narodni garda | click: 285x
Several European far-right parties announced a new organisation aimed at fighting the "Islamisation" of Europe.
27.1. 17:59 | Media | click: 293x
Saying it could be offensive to Muslims, a government organization rejected a digital video based on the Three Little Pigs. The video, entitled ‘The Three Little Cowboy Builders’, was criticized by the education technology agency, Becta, saying “the use of pigs raises cultural issues”.”Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular,” a spokesman for Becta told Shoo Fly, creator of the story.
25.1. 19:58 | BNP | click: 285x

The far-right National Party's National Guard (NG) officially launched operations this month, training as an independent security force at party meetings and in case of national disasters – and as a bulwark against what NG commander Michal Kubík calls "uncooperative minorities and immigrants whose interests governing bodies place above those of orderly Czech citizens".
17.1. 14:09 | Kristina Alda | click: 296x
Megkezdte tevékenységét az elmúlt hét végén a cseh Nemzeti Gárda félkatonai egyesület, amelyet tavaly októberben a Nemzeti Párt (NS) hozott létre. "Szombaton a jelentkezők közül kiválasztották a jelölteket, akik számára elkezdődött a kilencven napos felvételi időszak” - közölte a gárda vezetése a párt honlapján.
17.1. 00:38 | HunHír.Hu | click: 290x
15.1. 00:22 | NS | click: 341x

Yesterday our Czech correspondent Lugundum wrote about the Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana, or ODS), and the possibility that it might force the submission of the Treaty of Lisbon to a referendum in the Czech Republic.
12.1. 20:54 | Baron Bodissey | click: 305x
Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek has landed himself in trouble once again, courtesy of his trademark firebrand remarks. A group of nationalists decided to sue him for what they consider intolerably offensive statements about the Czech nation.
11.1. 19:02 | media | click: 288x
Det tsjekkiske nasjonalistpartiet har valgt ĺ opprette en paramillitćr avdeling.
7.1. 12:15 | Raport x | click: 292x
Nacionalna garda, koju je formirala češka nacionalistička stranka, nabavila uniforme

Polumilitaristička organizacija Nacionalna garda, koju je krajem oktobra formirala češka ultra-desničarska Nacionalna stranka (NS), odabrala je prošlog vikenda svoje nove uniforme, navodi se na vebsajtu NS.

7.1. 12:09 | media | click: 334x
"It is a paramilitary group to serve not only for our meetings' purpose, but also for disasters," NS chairwoman Petra Edelmannova said, adding that the guard members will also help tackle disasters such as floods. Participants in the meeting were holding Czech flags and some also carried posters criticising the planned Czech anti-discrimination law and promoting the extension of the nuclear power plant Temelin, south Bohemia. In their speeches NS leaders voiced their adherence to the legacy of the ancestors who fought for national independence.
3.1. 14:31 | CTK | click: 436x
One of the world’s most respected scientists is embroiled in an extraordinary row after claiming that black people are less intelligent than white people. James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, has provoked outrage with his comments, made ahead of his arrival in Britain today. More fierce criticism of the eminent scientist is expected as he embarks on a number of engagements to promote a new book ‘Avoid Boring People: Lessons from a Life in Science’. Among his first commitments is a speech to a London audience at the Science Museum on Friday. The event is sold out.
17.10. 19:09 | Times on Line | click: 268x
9.10. 20:14 | Arielle Thedrel | click: 278x
11.09.2007 18.00u - At 12.15 today three members of the European Parliament, Frank Vanhecke, Carl Lang and Mario Borghezio have been brutally arrested by Brussels' police during a peaceful demonstration against the islamization of Europe.

The rally had been banned by the socialist mayor of Brussels, but informally the police had indicated that a short symbolic action would be tolerated at the Schumanplein. It was also to be a demonstration in favour of freedom of speech.

13.9. 23:42 | Vlaams Belang | click: 275x
Reported in the Telegraph, Daily Mail and The Sun

Gordon Brown's Government is handing-over billions of pounds of taxpayers' money to the EU. The combined direct and indirect costs of EU membership costs every man, women and child in Britain over £1,000 per year. As a result of the Government's surrender of the UK's rebate, and the mounting costs of pointless EU regulation, this figure is set to rise even further. Since Britain joined the ‘European Economic Community’ in 1973, Parliamentarians have time and again called for a cost-benefit analysis to prove or disprove the benefits of membership; successive Conservative and Labour governments have consistently refused on the grounds that the benefits are ‘self-evident’.

1.9. 11:44 | Robert Oulds | click: 270x
Long ago, mosque prayer towers are no more exotic rarity within european cities. They count in thousands, London, for example, hosting more than three hundreds of them. But they are some how yet worse. They are like sharp lances sticked into the heart of Christian shaped Europe.

Within the next five years a very modern three-floor mosque is to rise in the east of the British metropolis, with a capacity of seventy thousands worshipper attendants. This capacity amount is only ten thousands attendants lower than that of the neighbour stadion which is to be the main theatre of 2012 Olympic Games. Radical organisation Tablíghí Džamíat intend to have the mosque functional by this date.

20.8. 21:30 | Michal Sevčík | click: 289x
20.6. 09:28 | FPO | click: 280x
Tschechische Rechtsextreme versperrten den Grenzübergang Wullowitz und ließen kein österreichisches Auto durch.

Am 26. Oktober sollen zeitlich unbegrenzte Blockaden an allen Grenzübergängen zu Österreich stattfinden.

5.6. 10:35 | APA | click: 282x
29.5. 17:18 | Ultimo reduto | click: 356x
Tschechische Rechtsextreme wollen Grenzübergang Wullowitz blockieren

Am 2. Juni aus Protest gegen Blockaden österreichischer Atomgegner

25.5. 20:21 | Der Standard | click: 289x
Edelmannová spoke of a 'final solution' to the Romany question and promised support for Romanies who leave the country.

Prague, May 15 - Petra Edelmannova, head of the ultra-right Czech National Party (NS), did not commit a crime by her words on Romanies released on the party's website after a rally in support of Deputy PM Jiri Cunek (Christian Democrats, KDU-CSL, chairman), the police organised crime squad (UOOZ) and the state attorney's office ruled, UOOZ spokeswoman Blanka Kosinova told CTK today.

In April, Edelmannova took part in a demonstration condemning Cunek's abusive words on Romanies held outside the Government Office.

17.5. 22:12 | Prague Daily Monitor | click: 358x
Ceske Budejovice- The publishers of Narodni politika, monthly of the Czech far-right extra-parliamentary National Party, plan to block an Austrian border crossing to the Czech Republic next week, organiser Pavel Sedlacek said.

The organisers want to react to the threat of Austrian opponents of the nuclear power plant in Temelin, south Bohemia, to hermetically close the Czech-Austrian border. Sedlacek said the blockade would be staged towards the end of next week, "the most probably on the last Sunday of the month when there is a public holiday in Austria. He added that the blockade is planned to last several hours. It will aim Austrian drivers only.

17.5. 22:08 | PDM / CTK | click: 289x
Prague- 8.5. 30 followers of the Czech extreme right National Party today marched through Prague in protest against the Sudeten German Landsmanschaft (SL) and what they call undeserved advantages for some population groups. The police met at the Franz Kafka square and reached the office of the Sudeten German Landsmanschaft in Prague. The police said that there were no incidents during the two-hour demonstration. The demonstrators carried Czech flags and banners saying "The deportation was right!", "Stop affirmative action!" and "We want justice, no advantages for Gypsies." During their march, they chanted similar slogans and "Dzamila is a racist." This hinted at cabinet member Dzamila Stehlikova (Greens) who is in charge of ethnic affairs.
17.5. 21:38 | CTK | click: 322x

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